On behalf of department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, I take opportunity to welcome you all to our department.
The Department strives to offer its students excellent instructional and educational opportunities in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, thus providing a durable technical foundation in an environment of rapid technical change. We enable and promote their professional growth through contact with best professional practice. The Department is having highly qualified, experienced and dedicated teaching and supporting staff. The laboratories are well-equipped with the basic and advanced trainer kits needed to understand the various aspects of Electronics & Telecommunication field.
We arrange various additional Expert Lectures, Workshops, Industrial visits & Seminars for our students to encourage them for pursuing graduate studies & cope up with changing Industrial Technologies. Under the guidance of the management and principal, the department is flourishing by leaps and bounds.
Academic :
Our department is committed to excellence in teaching learning process. To develop a fundamental understanding of electronic & integrated circuits and communication systems. Department has well equipped Classrooms and state of art laboratories. Continuous assessment practices are followed as per MSBTE norms.
Staff :
Department is having highly qualified, experienced and dedicated Staff. Out of ten staff seven are Post Graduate & remaining on the verge of completion of PG. To Enhance knowledge of staff they are promoted to attend short term training Programs.
Paper/Project Presentation :
Students are encouraged and guided to participate in various paper presentations, project competitions in various conferences/workshops.
Extra-Curricular Activities :
Students are motivated to participate in various sports, quiz competitions, cultural activities, blood donation camp, Swacha Bharat Abhiyan etc. Various personality development programs are organized for the students. Expert lectures from the industry experts are also organized. Industrial visits are organized.
Mentor Activity :
A staff member is assigned for every 20 students as a local guardian. Staffs help them in solving their personal/academic difficulties. The staffs conduct a meeting every fortnight and solve their difficulties.