ME Computers / BE IT
On behalf of department of Computer Engineering, I take opportunity to welcome you all to our department.
As per our vision our team strives to persistently improve educational environment in our department. We are always engaged in the activities for overall development of our students with various aspects like technical education, self-motivation, ethics and personality. As the field of Computer is ever-changing, we arrange various additional workshops, seminars and expert lectures for our students and motivate them to pursue advanced graduate studies so that they can cope-up with challenging industrial context.
I congratulate all my faculty members and staff members for continuously involving themselves for betterment of students and thus the society. I congratulate the students who have put the department at a laudable height.
It gives me great pleasure to express my views regarding our department of Computer Engineering.
Academic :
Our main focus is to have effective teaching / learning process for the students to make them well acquainted in the field of Computer Engineering to cope up with the industry needs. A due care is taken to deliver the curriculum to our students. Effective use of multimedia techniques like PPT, Flash Presentations, Animations, video clips etc. for effective delivery of curriculum is regularly followed by our staff. Department has well equipped lecture halls and state of art laboratories. Continuous assessment practices are followed as per the directions of MSBTE. Weaker students are identified and special attention is given towards them. Content beyond syllabus is framed for each subject by considering the industry needs.
Staff :
Department is having well qualified staff. Out of twelve staff six are post graduate and remaining are on the verge of completion of their PG. Almost all the staff have published research papers in various conferences/ journals. To update the knowledge of staff, they are promoted to attend refresher courses/Short term training Programs time to time.
Paper/Project Presentation :
Students are encouraged and guided to participate in various paper presentations, project competitions in various conferences/workshops.
Extra-Curricular Activities :
Students are motivated to participate in various sports, quiz competitions, cultural activities, blood donation camp, Swacha Bharat Abhiyan etc. Various personality development programs are organised for the students. Expert lectures from the industry experts are also organized. Industrial visits are organized.
Mentor Activity :
A staff member is assigned for every 20 students as a local guardian. Staffs help them in solving their personal/academic difficulties. The staffs conduct a meeting of mentee every fortnight and solve their difficulties.